700 MHz Planning Resources
Recent Documents
NRPC Documents |
Interference Methods for NRPC 2017 with RPC8 example |
Acrobat File
NRPC_ByLaws_rev 4-19-17 JL - Final Draft |
Acrobat File
NPSTC/NRPC 700 Deployable Trunked Solutions |
NRPC WACN SystemID Slide Deck |
Acrobat File
Narrowband Segments of the 769-775 MHz and 799-805 MHz Bands |
Excel File
NRPC Email List - April 2015 |
Acrobat File
Cellular, GPS, Wi-Fi, and Other Signal Jammers |
Acrobat File
700 MHz Agreement with Canada |
Plan amendment and submission guidance 6-3-14.pdf |
NRPC recommendations for 700 800 FINAL.pdf |
APCO RPC 700 MHz Plan Template v20 FINAL II.doc |
FCC Information
Public Notices |
Acrobat File
Seventh Report and Order, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - April, 2013 |
Acrobat File
Word File
DA-02-3497 WT Docket NO. 02-378 |
Word File
FCC-04-220A1 MB Docket No. 03-185 |
Technical Data |
FCC Licenses
Public Safety License Information |
Technical Reports
Generation of the National 700-MHz Public Safety Pool Allotments (Narrowband General Use Channel Set) |
Acrobat File
Documentation of Methodology and Results |
Acrobat File
Appendix B: Population, Area and Capacity Model Data |
County Contours
County Contours in graphics format |
White Papers |
Acrobat File
700 MHz TV Clearing and its Impact on TV Viewership. Motorola, Inc. (11-11-03) |
CAPRAD Documents
CAPRAD User Guides |
Acrobat File
Full User Guide for RPCs and 700/800 MHz Frequency Applicants (Revised November 2013) |
Acrobat File
Frequency Application Guide |
Acrobat File
Regional Planning Guide |
CAPRAD Training |
Acrobat File
CAPRAD Training Slides |
Acrobat File
RPC Setup Checklist |
Acrobat File
New User Form |
Acrobat File
New User Form - applicant only |
Allotment Imports |
Excel File
Allotment Import Template |
Training |
Word File
Application Processing Outline |
4.9 GHz Documents
Acrobat File
FCC-04-265A1(re petition regarding mask) |
Acrobat File
Stay of Plan Submittal Deadline for 4.9 Band (August 2, 2004) |
Word File
Information on 4.9 GHz Public Safety Spectrum |
Acrobat File
FINAL NPSTC 4.9 Guidelines Template for May 21 2004 |
700 MHz Planning Documents
Band Plan |
Word File
APCO RPC 700 MHz Plan Template v20 FINAL II |
Excel File
700MHz Band Plan - rev. 2016 |
Excel File
700MHz Channel Layout - rev. 2016 |
Excel File
700MHz Channel Centers - rev. 2016 |
Border Sharing Plans |
Acrobat File
700MHz Agreement with Canada |
Acrobat File
State Channel Sharing Plan - Missouri Option |
Acrobat File
State Channel Sharing Plan - Northeast Option |
700 MHz Regional Planning Guidebook
Guidebook: |
Acrobat File
Overview of the Regional Planning Documents |
Acrobat File
Guidelines for 764-776/794-806 Regional Planning Committees |
Acrobat File
National Regional Plan Template - Outline for 764-776/794-806 National/Regional Plans |
Appendixes: |
Acrobat File
Appendix A, Table of Interoperability Channels For Specific Uses |
Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix B, Memorandum of Understanding Template |
Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix C, Sharing Agreement Template |
Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix D, Sample Dispute Resolution Process |
Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix E, Sample Agenda |
Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix F, Sample Bylaws Template |
Acrobat File
Appendix G, Pre-Planning Flow Chart |
Acrobat File
Appendix G, Coordination Flow Chart |
Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix H, Funding Request Form |
Acrobat File
Appendix I, Sample Public Notice |
Acrobat File
Appendix J, Recommended Incident Command System |
Acrobat File
Appendix K, Simplified 700 MHz Pre-Assignment Rules Recommendation |
Acrobat File
Appendix L, Digital Television (DTV) Transition |
Acrobat File
Appendix M, 700 MHz Band Plan Chart |
Acrobat File
Appendix N, RPC & SIEC Chairs |
Appendix O, Hints & Kinks - Alternatives and Cool Things Being Done by RPSs |
Appendix P, FCC Regulatory Actions |
Miscellaneous: |
Acrobat File
Guidebook Cover (inside) |
Acrobat File
Guidebook Cover (outside) |
Acrobat File
Word File
Index Tabs |
New Planning Documents From The NCC Implementation Subcommittee |
Guidelines: |
Word File
National Regional Plan Template |
Word File
Guidelines for 700 MHz Regional Planning Committees |
Appendixes: |
Word File
Appendix A - Tables of Interoperability Channels - Corrected |
Word File
Appendix AA - Sample Notifications by RPC to Secondary TV Stations |
Word File
Appendix AB - Sample Cover Letter to Adjacent Regional Chairs |
Word File
Appendix AC - List of Low Power Channels Subject to Regional Planning |
Word File
Appendix O - Simplified 700 MHz Pre-Assignment Rules Recommendations |
Excel File
Appendix R - Regional Plan Checklist |
Word File
Appendix T - Sample Cover Letter to FCC |
Excel File
Appendix U - 1st Meeting Notification Checklist |
Word File
Appendix V - 700 MHz Implementation Frequently Asked Questions |
Word File
Appendix W - InterRegional Agreement |
Word File
Appendix X - Process For Handling Unformed Regions |
Word File
Appendix Y - Sample Unformed Region Waiver Language |
Word File
Appendix Z - Sample Adjacent Region Concurrence Letter |