700 MHz Planning Resources

Recent Documents

NRPC Documents
   PPTX File
Interference Methods for NRPC 2017 with RPC8 example
   Acrobat File
NRPC_ByLaws_rev 4-19-17 JL - Final Draft
   Acrobat File
NPSTC/NRPC 700 Deployable Trunked Solutions
   PPTX File
NRPC WACN SystemID Slide Deck
   Acrobat File
Narrowband Segments of the 769-775 MHz and 799-805 MHz Bands
   Excel File
NRPC Email List - April 2015
   Acrobat File
Cellular, GPS, Wi-Fi, and Other Signal Jammers
   Acrobat File
700 MHz Agreement with Canada
   Plan amendment and submission guidance 6-3-14.pdf
   NRPC recommendations for 700 800 FINAL.pdf
   APCO RPC 700 MHz Plan Template v20 FINAL II.doc

FCC Information

Public Notices
   Acrobat File
Seventh Report and Order, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking - April, 2013
   Acrobat File
Word File
DA-02-3497 WT Docket NO. 02-378
   Word File
FCC-04-220A1 MB Docket No. 03-185
Technical Data
   FCC Licenses Public Safety License Information

Technical Reports

Generation of the National 700-MHz Public Safety Pool Allotments (Narrowband General Use Channel Set)
   Acrobat File
Documentation of Methodology and Results
   Acrobat File
Appendix B: Population, Area and Capacity Model Data
   County Contours County Contours in graphics format
White Papers
   Acrobat File
700 MHz TV Clearing and its Impact on TV Viewership. Motorola, Inc. (11-11-03)

CAPRAD Documents

CAPRAD User Guides
   Acrobat File
Full User Guide for RPCs and 700/800 MHz Frequency Applicants (Revised November 2013)
   Acrobat File
Frequency Application Guide
   Acrobat File
Regional Planning Guide
CAPRAD Training
   Acrobat File
CAPRAD Training Slides
   Acrobat File
RPC Setup Checklist
   Acrobat File
New User Form
   Acrobat File
New User Form - applicant only
Allotment Imports
   Excel File
Allotment Import Template
   Word File
Application Processing Outline

4.9 GHz Documents

   Acrobat File
FCC-04-265A1(re petition regarding mask)
   Acrobat File
Stay of Plan Submittal Deadline for 4.9 Band (August 2, 2004)
   Word File
Information on 4.9 GHz Public Safety Spectrum
   Acrobat File
FINAL NPSTC 4.9 Guidelines Template for May 21 2004

700 MHz Planning Documents

Band Plan
   Word File
APCO RPC 700 MHz Plan Template v20 FINAL II
   Excel File
700MHz Band Plan - rev. 2016
   Excel File
700MHz Channel Layout - rev. 2016
   Excel File
700MHz Channel Centers - rev. 2016
Border Sharing Plans
   Acrobat File
700MHz Agreement with Canada
   Acrobat File
State Channel Sharing Plan - Missouri Option
   Acrobat File
State Channel Sharing Plan - Northeast Option

700 MHz Regional Planning Guidebook

   Acrobat File
Overview of the Regional Planning Documents
   Acrobat File
Guidelines for 764-776/794-806 Regional Planning Committees
   Acrobat File
National Regional Plan Template - Outline for 764-776/794-806 National/Regional Plans
   Acrobat File
Appendix A, Table of Interoperability Channels For Specific Uses
   Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix B, Memorandum of Understanding Template
   Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix C, Sharing Agreement Template
   Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix D, Sample Dispute Resolution Process
   Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix E, Sample Agenda
   Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix F, Sample Bylaws Template
   Acrobat File
Appendix G, Pre-Planning Flow Chart
   Acrobat File
Appendix G, Coordination Flow Chart
   Acrobat File
Word File
Appendix H, Funding Request Form
   Acrobat File
Appendix I, Sample Public Notice
   Acrobat File
Appendix J, Recommended Incident Command System
   Acrobat File
Appendix K, Simplified 700 MHz Pre-Assignment Rules Recommendation
   Acrobat File
Appendix L, Digital Television (DTV) Transition
   Acrobat File
Appendix M, 700 MHz Band Plan Chart
   Acrobat File
Appendix N, RPC & SIEC Chairs
   Appendix O, Hints & Kinks - Alternatives and Cool Things Being Done by RPSs
   Appendix P, FCC Regulatory Actions
   Acrobat File
Guidebook Cover (inside)
   Acrobat File
Guidebook Cover (outside)
   Acrobat File
Word File
Index Tabs
   New Planning Documents From The NCC Implementation Subcommittee
   Word File
National Regional Plan Template
   Word File
Guidelines for 700 MHz Regional Planning Committees
   Word File
Appendix A - Tables of Interoperability Channels - Corrected
   Word File
Appendix AA - Sample Notifications by RPC to Secondary TV Stations
   Word File
Appendix AB - Sample Cover Letter to Adjacent Regional Chairs
   Word File
Appendix AC - List of Low Power Channels Subject to Regional Planning
   Word File
Appendix O - Simplified 700 MHz Pre-Assignment Rules Recommendations
   Excel File
Appendix R - Regional Plan Checklist
   Word File
Appendix T - Sample Cover Letter to FCC
   Excel File
Appendix U - 1st Meeting Notification Checklist
   Word File
Appendix V - 700 MHz Implementation Frequently Asked Questions
   Word File
Appendix W - InterRegional Agreement
   Word File
Appendix X - Process For Handling Unformed Regions
   Word File
Appendix Y - Sample Unformed Region Waiver Language
   Word File
Appendix Z - Sample Adjacent Region Concurrence Letter